Keeper of Emotions

The Phoenix Keeper

S.A MacLean

464 pages, Kindle Edition, Expected publication August 13, 2024

The bones of this book is that Aila is a phoenix keeper for a zoo, it has been her dream to have a successful breeding program and that possibility of that happening is not looking good. Until there is a theft of a phoenix and her eggs at another zoo and Aila is presented with a chance to realise her dreams. The layers of the story are in Aila’s relationships with friends, employers, potential romantic interests and overcoming her own internal challenges.

Aila as the central character is pivotal to whether you are going to embrace this story or not. MacLean has crafted a character who certainly runs the gauntlet of emotions. Aila is a perfectionist, obsessive, an introvert, struggles to interact in any social situation and task orientated. She is loyal to her friends but that single minded drive she has means she is unaware to their trials and tribulations. When she finally realises that she has been neglectful, it always comes through a major blow up or confrontation, rather than self-realisation of wrongdoing. Aila’s immediate circle of friends and family is small but over the course of the story it slowly expands.

Tanya is Aila’s constant and they are tight. You need Tanya, as she demonstrates the good of Aila, that she can be grounded and directed. Tanya helps Aila navigate friendships, social norms and the importance of having a social life.

There are two possible love interests Connor and Luciana. Connor is the handsome dragon keeper, who Aila has many an awkward moment with. Luciana, is her rival from College and the history between the two certainly creates the fireworks. It is here that the heart of the story truly lies as we want to discover just who Aila gives her heart to.

This is a slow burn of a read, it does take time for all the elements to come together and then there is the rush towards the end. The journey is in the character development and interaction, if you are vibing with Aila and her challenges, then this story will swallow you whole. For this story is about people, relationships and about rising above your fears and conquering your self-imposed limitations.

For more information on S.A MacLean head over to their website


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