It is a dark place

The Stars Are Dying - Nytefall #1

C.C. Peñaranda

566 pages, Kindle Edition, First published 10 July 2023

Australian Publication Date: 8 October 2024

Astrea can only remember the last five years of her life. She is contained, manipulated and she initially believes loved by Hektor, who regularly reminds her how he saved her. She is supported by a couple of friends who she interacts clandestinely with and a mysterious male character Nyte who stirs up the sexual tension.

Peñaranda has created a detailed and rich world that is layered with complexities and intrigue. There is massive potential to deliver an engaging series that could be highly compelling. I did struggle with the rhythm of the text, and I did read some sections out loud to try and get into the swing of it. It seems Peñaranda was aiming for a lyrical prose style but there are times when it is over prescriptive and meanders too long. I am sure many will have no problems in the style and will be absorbed.

The story is told through the point of view of Astrea and we spend an inordinate amount of time in her thoughts. She tries to remember, cannot, so she dismisses it and moves on to the next thought. Having only five years’ worth of memories, you would think it would be the main driving force, that Astrea would be desperate to know who she is and how she came to be under Hektor’s influence. As a victim of abuse, with five years exposure to mental manipulation and physical mistreatment, you need to appreciate that Astrea does not have a strong sense of self. This certainly shines through the and the only thing that Astrea becomes sure of in her journey is that she wants to be her own person not controlled by anyone.

It is apparent that Nyte and Astrea have a previous connection and it is the primary focus on the story. Will he reveal it or will Astrea figure it out? As we only see her point of view, she does not understand Nyte’s cryptic hints, and this causes the tension between the two. He does not want to repeat the errors of the past, she does not know what those errors are, and they keep dancing around these issues over and over. Nyte is crafted as the perfect do I trust him or run away screaming for my life love interest? The dynamics between the two are explosive with potential but it is hard to sustain that level of interest over a prolonged period.

It is obvious that Peñaranda is passionate about her writing, the characters and world she has created. I suspect that this book is the groundwork for the rest of the series as there many hints of bigger elements at play. For those who are looking for slow dive into a series, where much is hinted it and soon heats up to dramatic pace with promise of more, this is for you.

I was provided an ARC from Hachette Australia and New Zealand.


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