It is a dark place

The Stars Are Dying - Nytefall #1 C.C. Peñaranda 566 pages, Kindle Edition, First published 10 July 2023 Australian Publication Date: 8 October 2024 Astrea can only remember the last five years of her life. She is contained, manipulated and she initially believes loved by Hektor, who regularly reminds her how he saved her. She is supported by a couple of friends who she interacts clandestinely with and a mysterious male character Nyte who stirs up the sexual tension. Peñaranda has created a detailed and rich world that is layered with complexities and intrigue. There is massive potential to deliver an engaging series that could be highly compelling. I did struggle with the rhythm of the text, and I did read some sections out loud to try and get into the swing of it. It seems Peñaranda was aiming for a lyrical prose style but there are times when it is over prescriptive and meanders too long. I am sure many will have no problems in the style and will be absorbed. The story is told throu...