The Book Club Catch Up
The Handmaid's Tale
Margaret Atwood
479 pages, Paperback First published January 1, 1985
You know there has been a myriad of reviews, dissections, discussion, and ruminations on a novel that was written in 1985 and still (unfortunately) relevant in 2024. There remains, the same tensions as to the rights of a woman to participate in the workforce and make decisions about her own future.
Apart from the themes what always strikes me is Atwood’s writing. How she ever so cleverly engages you into the story. How as you are exposed to the characters you learn more about their history and motivations.
I have not wanted to read this book for the longest time because I knew the content. I am glad I finally took the plunge and further appreciated the magnificence of Atwood’s writing. For there is a masterclass in writing here. The way in which Atwood slowly brings out the reality of the world and the contradictions that are the heart of it all.
It is a deeply unsettling read, and it is why you should read it.
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