Poetical Brutality
Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass
Lana Del Rey
128 pages, Hardcover Published September 29, 2020 by Simon & Schuster
I am going to be honest, I love poetry but I am crap understanding those deeper meanings that many are able to articulate. I read and allow myself to be emerged into the words and imagery.
In Lana Del Rey’s book ‘Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass’ you not only have a collection of poems but some wonderful images that accompany the text. I found Del Rey’s photographs really captivating, I love the street scenes as it really compliments the text.
I have been dipping in and out of the book for over six months, even though under 200 pages, I have taken my time to absorb and mull over what Del Rey has allowed onto the page. Again I can not profess to have the necessary attributes to tell you what the poems are about, only what I feel.
‘Thanks to the Locals’ – it flows, it packs a punch, there is vulnerability and toughness. The dilemma, the angst is very real on the page.
‘In the hills of Benedict Canyon’ – this just sung to me, ‘But finally I have no reason for tears not tonight at 7:27’. The capture of specific time entranced me, wondering why it was so important at that moment.
‘SportCruiser’ – this surprised me, how Del Rey was able to deftly link learning to fly and sail about a lack of self-confidence. That learning how to recognise the direction of the breeze on the back of your neck is about not trusting yourself.
Lana Del Rey is wonderful poet and I hope that she publishes more of her written work and accompanied by her photography.
I could not find a link to Lana Del Rey's poetry but here is her website.
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