The 2024 Refresh
The Refresh is in.
You know how life just grabs you and takes you down directions you never expected? Yeah, that was me. Too much work, not enough doing this. I have missed this outlet.
While away, I kept purchasing books. I wrote them all down, ended up being about 15 A4 pages, that makes up my to be read pile. In fact, I don't have a pile or a shelf but three bookcases of books to be read. Yep, many treasures to be explored. Before I dip into the new, I have quite a few books started and not finished, so they are a priority. It is not that I was disinterested in the books but I have really struggled with concentration. The mind just keeps wandering and not staying on the words cleverly placed on the page.
My other reading goals for this year apart from the half finished? Would like to reach 50 books, but I have some large tomes to read, so I am not sure I will make that mark. That is okay as it has to be about the quality. Want to read each of the books from the Adelaide Writer's Festival Grand Dames of Letters, which I am attending. Want to read a book that I read over ten years ago, a biography, a western and prize winners from the Booker, Miles Franklin, Orange and Hugo. That should keep me out of trouble.
I did manage to read over January and I will be doing some thoughts on:
- Marina Hyde's What's just happened?!
- Peter Carey's Jack Maggs
- RF Kuang's Yellowface
- Janet Malcolm's The Crime of Sheila McGough, and
- Secrets of the Code, edited by Dan Burstein
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