All over the place

Well my reading for the last couple of weeks has been all over the place and I have really struggled to become lost in a book. I have been trying to work my way through 'Forever Amber' by Kathleen Winsor, 'The Grail Enigma' by Laurence Gardner and the one that I am enjoying but can be heavy going is 'Quiet - The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking' by Susan Cain. I find with Cain's book I need some time to think over what she has proposed. I have managed to finish one book being:
Mythology by Edith Hamilton
This is a great introduction to Greek and Roman Mythology with a little bit of Norse thrown in.
If you have never read the source material then this is a good book to start with. Hamilton covers the topics with enthusiasm and you feel confident that she has researched her topics well.

If you have read the source material, the book can feel a bit light weight as some of the myths are never explored in great detail. You have an overview of what happened.

I enjoyed the read but prefer the source material for the depth it gave me.

If you want to know about Greek and Roman myth this is a great book to start with as it will certainly encourage you to learn more.


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