A travel journal wrapped up as a thriller

Dan Brown - Inferno (Langon Book 4) - audio book
Brown is not going to be winning any literary prizes and to be honest I am not sure he cares given the amount of cash he rakes in each time he releases a book.
So what happens is Langdon wakes up in a hospital with a convenient dose of amnesia and a pretty mysterious assistant, the Doctor Sienna Brooks to help him in his endeavours. From here Brown sets a cracking pace as the race against time has commenced.
This is your standard pulp fiction thriller mystery that amazingly takes over about a 48 hour period. I think it is more like 24 hours but I did find it difficult at times to determine what the time period was. You pick up this book you are engaged as the pace is furious and when the book is finished you put it aside and think no more. I listened to the audio book and the quality was excellent. The characterisations are well crafted by the reader and he did a great job. However when a book is read aloud some of the flaws become very obvious.
Some of the 'tricks' Brown uses are Langdon will ask a series of questions and the respondent will keeping delaying the answer in an attempt to build the tension. It is used so much that it does become a bit tedious. Then there is how many times Langdon gets into a pickle and then all of a sudden he is able to magically come up with an answer.
Then there is how this book is more like a travel journal as Brown regales us with his immense knowledge of the travel industry. Then you couple that with the historical back story that is dropped in with great regularity and somewhere hidden in there is the story.
Brown keeps with his recipe for success, the book is an easy read and does not require a great deal of concentration.

Want more Dan Brown check out his website


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