Scary it aint
The Conjurers – Marilyn Harris

That is what I think happens because I really did find this
book to be confusing. Easter just seems to be there as a link to the community
and a place for the young people to live. She spends most of her time in denial
about the actions of the youngsters and lamenting the death of her father. Tom
talks to Madame Blavatsky and exerts mind control over the group and Easter.
The other characters have no real purpose but to be a contrast with young
people versus old people, progress versus regression and the fear of change.
Yet these themes that run through the book does not make a horror novel.
There is promise of horror, lots of people disappear, the group
has members sacrificed and you have some locals who have lots of scary
potential. Somehow these threads are never brought together to make this novel truly
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