The Slump and the books in between

Well it's been a slump, I have been reading but not with same intensity as I normally do. To try and kick things off, I have started reading Louise Penny's Still Life. Anyway here is my catch-up for the last couple of months. It is a rather diverse list. My Absolute Darling by Gabriel Tallent Kindle Edition, 432 pages Published August 29th 2017 by Fourth Estate (first published April 29th 2017) For 14-year-old Turtle/kibble/Julia she lives in a man’s world on a farm that is slowly decaying around her. Her father, Martin, believes that the world is ending and prepares his daughter to face doomsday by teaching her survival skills. Turtle knows how to handle guns, knives and survive off the land. The life with her father is not rosy and as the story progresses you become more aware of how dysfunctional the relationship is. This a book that will divide readers as the subject matter is quite brutal. It is not the subject matter that is the problem but the handling. ...