My slackness knows no bounds

Yep, that bloody thing called life has taken over. While still reading, the ability to post up reviews diminished somewhat. So again another posting with a few thoughts on some of the books I have read in the last month or so. Into the Water - Paula Hawkins Hardcover, 388 pages, Published May 2nd 2017 by Riverhead Books After the highly successful 'Girl on a Train', Paula Hawkins has released her much anticipated second novel 'Into the Water'. The story centre around the death of several women over a number of years but it is the questionable death of Nell Abbott, a single mother to Lena, that brings forth all the dark secrets of the local town. The story is told from the viewpoint of ten characters, yes you read that right, ten characters. It could become a tangled mess but Hawkins is able to navigate the reader through with relative ease. I did find one or two of the voices were not as distinctive as they needed to be especially early on with a couple of th...