A Massive Catch Up

Too much work, plenty of reading to relax and not enough time to catch up on the blog. So here is the big catch up. Room - Emma Donoghue Paperback, 321 pages, Published May 18th 2011 by Back Bay Books There has been a lot written about this book and there is not much I can add. Donoghue has crafted an interesting story using a five year old as the point of view character. You see the world through his eyes and that is what makes this story really work. It is clever and works. It is easy to see why this novel has been so popular. A good read. The Watch Tower - Elizabeth Harrower Paperback, 240 pages, Published 2012 by Text Publishing (first published 1966) Laura and Clare are sisters who when we first meet them are attending boarding school with their entire lives planned out before them. Laura is a brilliant student with designs on becoming a Doctor and Clare is beginning to find her way at school. The death of their father sees the world of the two girls tur...