Mixed bag of short novels

Numero Zero - Umberto Eco Expected publication: November 3rd 2015 by Houghton Mifflin Numero Zero starts with a man, who we later know as Colonna worried almost to the point of paranoia as to the reason why there is no water coming from his tap. Colonna ponders about who turned off the tap and why did they do it. Whereas the reader is wondering why is this person so bothered about such an insignificant event? Then Eco begins to unravel the story as you go back to learn about a newspaper in name only, that ‘produces’ stories that will never go into publication, a romance and a conspiracy theory about Mussolini that has everyone involved. This is the part where I start the review and this is the part that I am struggling with for the simple reason I do not know what to make of what I read. There were parts I enjoyed and parts I thought would never end. There were the wonderful descriptions of character ‘She was slim and spoke with cautious gaiety’ and place ‘this vast...