Misses the mark

The Lost Book of Salem Katherine Howe The story in a nutshell is that student Connie Goodwin intends to spend her summer doing research for her doctoral dissertation. Yet things get complicated when her mother wants her to handle the sale of Connie’s grandmothers abandoned home near Salem. While cleaning Connie finds an old family bible, a key and piece of parchment fall out. On the parchment is the name Deliverance Dane. Connie finds herself compelled to reveal the history of Deliverance and questing for a long lost book of magic. This book was a disappointment on many levels and that is a shame as the idea held great promise. I am going to start with some of the things that bugged me about this novel and the first thing was some of the descriptions or actions of characters. Many a time I would read a line and go how does that even work? For example Connie is described in one scene as sitting at the bar tapping her head. Tapping! I even tried it and did not make sense. Then ...