
Holding the line against the odds

Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona Mine Strike of 1983 Barbara Kingsolver 213 pages, Paperback, First published January 1, 1989 In 1983 a group of miners went on strike for eighteen months in the small mining towns of Arizona. This is not the story of the men but of the women, who were both workers at the mine and supporters because of family connections. Kingsolver allows the women to tell their story, their struggle, and their commitment to seeking justice. Not only did they endure an 18 month long strike but they had to overcome and rebuild after a flood devastated the area. Phelps Dodge Copper Corporation in 1983 and the union clashed over the negotiation of a new contract. Not being able to resolve the matter to their satisfaction Phelps resorted to a series of tactics that included bringing in ‘scab’ workforce and intimidation of the strikers. The strikers remained steadfast, despite a natural disaster that destroys the community and harassment by the National Guard and

The Book Club Catch Up

The Handmaid's Tale  Margaret Atwood 479 pages, Paperback First published January 1, 1985 You know there has been a myriad of reviews, dissections, discussion, and ruminations on a novel that was written in 1985 and still (unfortunately) relevant in 2024. There remains, the same tensions as to the rights of a woman to participate in the workforce and make decisions about her own future. Apart from the themes what always strikes me is Atwood’s writing. How she ever so cleverly engages you into the story. How as you are exposed to the characters you learn more about their history and motivations. I have not wanted to read this book for the longest time because I knew the content. I am glad I finally took the plunge and further appreciated the magnificence of Atwood’s writing. For there is a masterclass in writing here. The way in which Atwood slowly brings out the reality of the world and the contradictions that are the heart of it all. It is a deeply unsettling read, and it is why y

Supernatural twisted

The Invocations  Krystal Sutherland 390 pages, Paperback, First published January 30, 2024 Three young women find themselves bound together to battle a supernatural force. Each has their own agenda in the pursuit of magic and if they don’t find a way to come together the consequences will be dire. Jude Wolf has money and stupidly has bound a couple of demons to her soul, and it has not gone well. She has a gaping, festering, rotting wound that will not heal and if she can not find a way to reverse the curse, life is looking bleak. Zara Jones, sister was murdered, and she will do anything to have her back. She has thrown herself into learning everything about necromancy. Emer Byrne is trying to live off the grid and writes magical invocations that will provide protection for women in trouble. The problem is that someone is murdering the women Emer has provided assistance to and is removing their protective charms. It is here that the three women’s worlds collide as each needs assistance

It's a masterpiece

Highway 13 Fiona McFarlane Paperback. first published August 13, 2024 A group of fictional short stories revolving around a serial killer and the murders that happened near the township of Barrow in Australia. This is not about the serial killer Paul Biga, this is not about solving the murder, this about how a crime can impact, influence and effect people. The stories are not told in a linear approach but jump around and it makes perfect sense. The first story, Tourists, explores how people believe they can walk into the scene of the crime and make important discoveries as they have a special connection with the place. That they can hear the voices of the victims call out to them. They have read all the books, they are across all the theories so therefore they have insight, knowledge. It is quite an unsettling read. Demolition was one of my favourites in the collection and I really do not want to give anything away. The story centres on the killer’s house being demolished, a woman who

Tell Me Everything

Tell Me Everything (Amgash, #5) Elizabeth Strout 352 pages, Hardcover, Expected publication September 10, 2024 Tell Me Everything: Well, I am telling you this, there are no words that I can find that will ever adequately describe the beauty, the joy, in losing yourself in this extraordinary novel about people who are broken in their own unique ways.  The story centres around Bob Burgess who is the intersection, the linchpin of everyone in the story. It is a burden Bob carries with good grace but at times his weariness is very evident. No matter how heavy the personal toll, Bob Burgess is always there helping people. Crossing through Bob’s world is Lucy Barton, Olive Kitteridge, Margaret Burgess, Jim Burgess, and Pam Carlson. Yes, they are all here and it a master class in writing how seamlessly these interactions occur.  There are several narratives that are key in this story. You have Bob Burgess undertaking his activities in the community by helping those in need and his representati

I am Woman

Circe  Madeline Miller 347 pages, Kindle Edition, published April 10, 2018  Circe is the daughter of Helios and though a god, she discovers that she is nothing more than a pawn in the game of both gods and men. Banished to an island for possessing the knowledge of witchcraft Circe hones her skills. Initially she is happy with her isolation but soon the world comes to her, and Circe finds herself having to navigate both worlds. In time Circe begins to question whether she wants to remain as an immortal or become human. Circe from birth is a maligned character, she wants to understand, to be accepted but is tossed aside by a mother wanting to establish a powerbase and a father who wants to maintain and expand his powerbase. Circe is friendless and at times clueless, she becomes an easy mark for the family to deride and manipulate. It is that manipulation that has Circe punished by Zeus and exiled to an island. It is here that Circe is able to develop into her true self. Miller’s writing

It's a mystery to me

Annihilation Jeff VanderMeer 209 pages, Kindle Edition, published February 4, 2014 Four women, a biologist, an anthropologist, a psychologist, and a surveyor, enter Area X to explore a land that has been abandoned by civilization. There are many mysteries in this land and there are many mysteries as to why this land has been explored by 11 other expeditions. The story centres on the biologist who has come on the expedition with her own mysteries. This is a strange novel, set in a world where you are never sure what is real or imagined. You are never sure who is the villain or who is good. You take the journey through the eyes of the biologist, who reveals her past, her motivations, and her determination to know. Without giving anything away, I found her relationship with her husband was not a strong enough bond to propel her forward, especially at the end. While I enjoyed the read, at the end I had more questions than answers and it was not compelling enough for me to read the next in